The primary purpose of Angelic Reiki® is to re-awaken us to the knowing of
our Divine Self through the intimate presence of Perfect Love. To bring the
experience of truly working with Angels and feeling their intimate presence
and power.
Michelle Jackson
Angelic Reiki® Healing
First and foremost a healing is an invitation to remember. A healing is not just a step on the road to improvement, it is a glimpse of our destination of love and freedom.
This is unconditional love (love without conditions) and there is no judgement.
Our practitioners do not perceive a client as someone with a problem the Angels are going to fix, but rather as the presence of the Divine who has forgotten.
There are two aspects to the healing process, and these follow the principles of most spiritual traditions:
The alleviation of suffering – physically, emotionally, mentally and Spiritually; and
2. The opening to liberations from ego identification.
Most Reiki traditions focus only on the first aspect.
The solution is simply, LOVE. Perfect Love brings perfect Grace.
In Angelic Reiki®, a healing will always be perfect because the Angelic Kingdom are in charge.
The Angels know and see us as the Divine Beings that we really are, so the energy has to be Divinely perfect for each individual. We as humans, are limited in our perceptions and so an Angelic Reiki® healing is left to the Angels, as we, practitioner and recipient both surrender to Divine Love and perfection.
Angelic Reiki® is about empowering the recipient to find their own truth and perceive, acknowledge and welcome that part of themselves that is already Divine. We honour our Humanness with all its flaws and seek to bless it with Divine Love.
Angelic Reiki® is a healing process that totally envelopes the recipient in the perfect and boundless Love of the Divine. A healing is not a process of cure. It is an invitation to know who you are – to know you are part of the Divine.
Everyone’s Soul has chosen the most perfect life journey for that person.
Unconditional Love is the healer, and unconditional Love requires that we as Angelic Reiki® practitioners be with someone and embrace them exactly where they are, without judgment or wanting to rescue. A healing should be seen as a loving hand as we walk beside someone on their journey.
An Angelic Reiki® Healing is usually a hands-on process but can be done with the hands off the body or as a distance healing.
Each recipient’s experience will be different. No two healings are ever the same.
The result may be physical healing, deeply hidden toxic emotions may come to the surface or a deepening graceful acceptance of how life may be experienced.
The result is a closer connection to the Divine Self and this can manifest in many different ways.
The result is often a discovery of one’s life purpose.
Types of Sessions
In Person Angelic Reiki®
If you live in the Red Deer area and are looking to receive an Angelic Reiki Healing session one on one in person sessions available.
Long Distance Angelic Reiki®
Feeling called to receive an Angelic Reiki Healing session, but do not live close to Michelle? A long distance Angelic Reiki Session may be for you.
Client’s receive healing from the comfort of their own home.