Ditch the clutter and welcome in new vibes for 2023.

Clearing clutter out and why it feels so good???


Clutter has a very deep connection to our emotions. It can be so sneaky and just jump in and fog your life. Release the energy and all that stuff in order to start the healing process.


We don’t quite realise just how badly clutter can bring chaos into a home, to the point of feeling very heavy and stuck. What we surround ourselves with then attracts more of the same stuff to keep coming into every aspect of our life.


Soon our jobs are chaotic, are vehicles are a scrambling mess, and we wonder why we have so much going on around us. What we surround ourselves in will be mirrored back into our daily lives.


Clear the clutter, work the feels out with your emotions, step by step, day by day, and you will begin to heal your life.


One thing is for sure, if you don’t need it, don’t buy it. Stay away from garage sales, especially if you are only going to find good deals and pile on more stuff. Don’t allow your junk mail to keep on piling up. Get to that right away and deal with it on a monthly basis. Recycle it or tell the postman you don’t want it anymore.


Your car…. Last week I saw a man driving a cube van, and the whole front of the dash had newspapers, old fast food bags, and coffee cups galore! YUCK! I couldn’t even handle the feeling of looking at it while sitting at the lights, let alone living in that every day. You cannot keep garbage piling up on you. Try it out, and you will notice a serious breath of fresh air.

Clean your vehicle out with all the garbage and dust, give your car some love! Notice how it drives better, and how much better you feel when you drive it. Yes, enjoy that, now let’s look at your home.


The kitchen can always find its way to fully loaded countertops with things that aren’t being used every day. Keep the counters as clear as you can. Store machines in cupboards. Make sure to clean your fridge and pantry monthly and get rid of anything expired, moldy or rotten. And don’t forget about under that sink!


Now that bathroom. Keep that clean on a weekly basis, toilet lid closed. The bathroom door closed, and fresh towels often. Toss out all empty bottles right away.


Bedrooms are your haven space. Do not let papers and junk pile up in here, keep things to a minimum in here. Keep closets and dressers organized, and remove any clothes you do not wear anymore. I give all my stuff to dress for success here in Red Deer, help out a cause if you aren’t wearing it! A trick I learnt years ago, fold your clothes one way and hang your clothes one way with a hanger. If you wear it, then change the fold and hanger position to keep track of what you aren’t wearing anymore and then it is time to let it go!


You need to keep your office clean and organized, or you will attract more chaos into your business. At the end of the day clean your desk off and create files to organize your paperwork. Attend to your mail as soon as it comes in. Buy cute bins and storage containers to stay organized. Canadian Closet here in Red Deer has some pretty cool storage containers and ideas, check them out.


When deciding when to chuck it, recycle it, donate it or keep it ask yourself this:


Do I need it?


Do I love it?


Is it essential for me to really have this?


Or could someone else use this more than me?

Be gentle and kind to yourself,

Much love,


10 tips to shift energy at home.


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