Clutter will bog you down.
Trash the clutter.
Time to kick it to the curb once and for all.
One of the tips to a healthy home is to remove the clutter. Clutter messes up with our lives. It starts in our homes, our offices, our vehicles and pretty soon invades our minds.
I truly believe that we are what we surround ourselves around. Our environment plays a huge role in how we feel, just as much as who you spend your time with.
A lot of times, this clutter is connected to our emotions, so it can be hard to start this process.
This is why we make a plan so we don’t get so overwhelmed that we quit and say Fu$K it.
It can be such an overwhelming experience give yourself some grace and ease. And allow the emotions that come up in the process to be felt, cry them out, feel them, release them and let them go.
Get focused, get organized, and make a plan.
Time to get to work:
Write a list of what areas/rooms that need to be cleaned up
Prioritize the list of importance room by room
Make a schedule in your calendar of times when you can dedicate to cleaning and organizing
Start with one room at a time
Donate items that no longer serve you (some places will pick up check your area)
Throw out the broken items
Give away things you no longer need
Host a garage sale
Buy bins and storage containers so you can organize as you clean up
One thing to remember is don’t go back and forth between rooms, pick one room, and work on it till its complete, then move on to the next room.
When you move out all these items that are weighing you down, you can literally feel the room lift. It will be lighter and energetically more healthy and high vibrational.
Open the windows, let the fresh air and positive energy in.
I always love to do an energy clearing on the home after I have cleaned it, I use sound tools, and smudging and it adds such a powerful touch to the process of purging.
Be gentle and kind to yourself,
Much Love,