Messages from Spirit.
The signs are left for us daily but we may not be able to see them if we are always so busy and on the run. Be open to receive these messages.
Stop to smell the roses is a true saying. When you slow down and take notice of that beautiful flower, that huge tree, the birds flying by, you make room to see the signs and breadcrumbs left for you.
I try and really pay close attention to my thoughts when the messages come in, because if I am questioning something, that is a sure sign for me that I am encouraged to proceed.
Dimes have always been a huge gift from spirit for me. When I find one, my heart just lights up! And it is funny when I find them, I pay close attention to those moments, its as if I needed a little hug or nudge in that exact moment. I feel a strong connection to my grandparents when I find dimes. See what comes in for you in those moments. Take a second to enjoy this exact time right here right now and pay attention to the feels you are feeling.
Another big one is feathers. I find feathers all the time, in the right moments always. When I see them on my trail, I know that my path is safe to proceed. Sometimes I will have a feather fall in front of me almost out of no where!!! Then the angel bumps come in full body and I know that I am on track and I am fully supported.
Once I was cleaning out my truck because I decided it was time to upgrade. I had my doubts about this upgrade because it was going to cost me a bit more money now. I cleaned the whole back out, and went to put the vacuum away. I came back to close the hatch, and there is a white feather on the floor of my truck, yet 2 min ago when I vacuumed nothing was there!!! So I smiled, felt the angel bumps, gave thanks and knew that this decision was going to be ok, and I was going to be just fine. And I was.
Listen to your heart when you see the signs, feel, sense and be in the moment. Always be full of gratitude.
Another huge sign for me is numbers. Numerology is like a coded message system. Sometimes, it takes some time to figure this one out. I bought a numerology book to help, but you can always search online as well. If you keep seeing the same number pattern over and over again, this is a message and in order to figure it out it takes some digging. 1111 222 444 555 have been huge number patterns for me and they always come in when I need to see them. Be it on a clock, phone, or the vehicle’s license plate or even on a billboard sign. Be open to receive these messages wherever you go. The numbers can get more specific, 324, 214, but whatever they are, I pay close attention and I always look them up. If I get these specific numbers or patterns showing up more than 3 times, I will look them up in my book, or I will search online. For Angel Number _____ whatever the number sequence is you are seeing, read some of the posts about this number and see what feels right for you and this message. I will often see a licence plate that says SEE ___ so whatever the numbers are in that moment I always look them up, and am so thankful for this at that moment as it is always what I needed to hear.
I also believe that animals are a huge support, and there is no doubt in my mind that we are sent special messages through this animal kingdom. We are all connected. If you keep seeing the same animal on your path over and over again, there is a reason. Look up this spirit animal message by buying books, or searching online, see what resonates with you, this animal is trying to get your attention. You can even sit in meditation and connect with this animal spirit. Listen to what he is trying to say.
Be gentle and kind to yourself,
Much love,