Angelite. Crystal pick of the month.

Wow. Funny how this was the crystal that came up for the month.

A lot of people I have seen this month are having throat and chest issues coming to the surface. Is 2023 your year to finally speak up and say what is on your mind? Or perhaps it is your chance to tone down the talk, and not speak out as often as you do?

Wherever you are feeling like you could use some assistance angelite will assist you.

Angelite is a very powerful communication crystal when it comes to connecting to other realms and frequencies. As you work with this crystal more, you’ll notice your inner vision becoming more vivid. Your dreams will be easier to understand, allowing you to be more in touch with your own psychic abilities.

Angelite is also a calming crystal that can help relieve overwhelming emotions. Just holding a piece will induce a soothing sensation that slowly works its way throughout your entire body. Carrying a piece of Angelite daily will increase your aura with calming vibrations that can block away negativity that comes your way.

Its energy is calming, allowing you to find solace in even the toughest situations. It focuses on pushing you to find peace and surrendering to the energy of the moment.

Surrendering doesn’t mean you have to give up. It means that you’re willing and able to accept the things you cannot change.

Angelite will help you to accept things as they are, and move forward with ease and grace.

Much Love,


10 tips to shift energy at home.