Dealing with Narcissistic energy.
One thing I am going to say about this type of energy, is that you must walk away, retreat, abandon ship as soon as possible. This type of energy is the most toxic I have personally dealt with, and it is so draining it can leave you down and out for days, and for some people even longer.
My favourite crystals for this type of energy is black tourmaline and obsidian. I will even envision a layer of black obsidian around my aura to try and deflect this type of behaviour before I start soaking it all up.
A narcissist will never see your empathy. No matter how hard you try to explain it, you will leave feeling like it is all your fault, yet you won’t have the slightest idea how it even happened. And you leave feeling helpless and hopeless.
I have been around some pretty heavy dark narcissists and I will walk in the dirt bare foot with selenite in hand, barefoot in the grass in my back yard, and even in my meditation chair with lemurians all around me in a circle, and a huge obsidian arrowhead crystal as I rocked back forth breathed sending this toxic low vibrational energy down and shoot it right down to Mother Earth.
Another thing I love to do to shake this energy is workout. Yoga and a kettlebell class will really help me shift some of this so I don't wear it for long.
The more and more you feel this energy coming in, the better you will be at getting rid of it. If you let this sit for days and days without moving it, clearing it, and releasing it, then the worse off you will be. It will get so stuck to you, that you won’t be able to get out of bed, you will feel so shitty and depleted.
My only advise for this type of energy is stay away from them. You won’t win. They won’t see it your way. You will never get an apology. And you will never be valued.
Don’t take this personally. This type of energy is incapable of compassion and empathy, that is why you will never win with them.
My personal experience:
You will never be right, just walk away peacefully.
Be gentle and kind to yourself,
Much Love,