Shake off that negative vibe.
Sometimes I will start talking to someone and all of a sudden I can feel this caving in feeling, this rush of anxiety, this sweating of the palms. The heat that is created in my system could burn a house down in seconds. It doesn’t feel good at all. Racing thoughts, and unnecessary tension and anxiety come racing in.
These feelings are telling me something, and I believe it is time we all pay attention to these feelers and see what the hell is really going on.
The minute you feel this coming in from someone, is the minute you picked up some of their vibe. That is why after you leave the conversation you leave feeling completely depleted, debilitated, low, sad, moody, angry, and stressed.
Then the negative thought patterns start coming in and before you know it, you are an energetic ball of mess.
Shake these feelings as soon as you feel them coming in.
How do I do this you ask?
I will physically sweep the energy off my arms and shoulders. Just sweep sweep, git git, be gone bad vibes.
I will visualize a brick wall between me and the person I am speaking with so they cannot dump their energy onto me, I can literally visualize myself pushing the energy back. (start practising visualization and notice the huge shifts that take place for you.)
I will close my eyes, breathe slowly and visualize a purple bubble of light surrounding my entire body and vehicle before I drive anywhere.
I carry Palo Santo with me in my truck, and I will smudge myself as soon as I get in if need be. Simply stating the intention of cleansing myself from all negative energies that do not serve my hightest good. Open the window and let Mother Earth take it and transmute it. I use a cheap ashtray for the palo Santo and incense sticks when I burn them in my truck. Take a deep breath as you feel this heavy energy leave you and the vehicle and replace it with a smile and welcome back energies of happiness, peace and calm.
Salt baths are a must. If you are an empath and you suck all this crap off people, you need to get it off you and out of your energy field asap. Soaking in the tub, visualizing that all the energy around you and your aura is being cleansed and purified by the water, and imagine that all the water is sucking this negativity from you, from the day, and all people, places, and things. Release it all as the water runs down the drain. Breathe and let it all go.